To keep your company and client data protected it is crucial that you remain constantly up-to-date on what the threat landscape currently looks like
These days, keeping your data private and devices safe from harm can seem like a daunting task. Knowing where you’re vulnerable can be difficult, especially if you’re not familiar with the cyber jargon. Cybercrime is growing very fast so it’s becoming increasingly important for businesspeople to be across the cybersecurity lingo, below is a glossary to give you some clarity
Not a matter of 'if' but 'when' - get proactive with these tips:
The insurance industry has introduces a number of Cyber & Privacy Insurance options. The main cover under a Cyber & Privacy Insurance policy is outlined below. Each policy in the market is slightly different however, the following summary is a good overview of the policy coverage available.
As of February 2018, if you are an organisation that complies with the Privacy Act, you will be subject to the new Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme.
Under the NDB scheme, you must report any breach of personal information that is likely to result in serious harm.
You must also in include recommendations about the steps individuals should take in response to the breach and the Commissioner must also be notified of eligible data breaches.
You can read more about your obligations Notifiable Data Breaches